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Writing lives through generations

Life is full of mysteries and in an attempt to understand it; it creates in us an urge to inquire and to explore. The mysteries take us through ideation and deep reflection. The quest for knowledge through the happenings in our environment and our lives opens us up to the connection between spirituality and creativity.

The creativity in us enables our imagination as well as thinking beyond our present state in trying to locate where the answers may be and embrace and connect with them.

Mysteries are all around us even in our breathing and writing as well.

When we find answers or think we are closer to one, we desire for others and in fact the world to know and understand our findings and we do that through writing.

Writing is an everlasting teacher which can be accessed centuries to come and our words and thoughts remain fresh throughout history. It is a way we keep talking to generations long after we have gone. We still listen to Emilia Lanier and live in her world through her works. And that is why writers never die.

It is through writing that generations embrace us, our name, our existence and our thoughts. Through writing, we come to solve some of the world’s most complicated mysteries and give direction. Thoughts keep expanding and on top of an idea, many ideas are born.

If the inventors of yore did not put down their ideas in writing, how will their ideas be expanded so that for instance, these technologies we enjoy today may be made available? I am writing this so you can read my thoughts. How could I have talked to you from miles away? How can you cherish my ideas if I didn’t put them down in writing? Through writing we share a lot of connections both in spirit and experiences.

How is this not a spiritual experience?

Read Also: Reading can also be a spiritual exercise

We write for different reasons; to solve life’s problems, make money, invest in someone’s life, fulfill our life long dreams, and untangle our emotions and for posterity. The reasons come in different ways and aspirations.

To write is not just picking pen and paper and begin to write words. It is much more than that. Writers commune with the spirit for direction of how to shape and better communicate their ideas. They visualize what they are teaching and try to explore the effect and interrogate their ideas. They evoke people’s spirits and make them aware of things they may not have known. They challenge thoughts and ideologies. They shape a way of thinking. Writing is not a razzle-dazzle, rather, it is a deliberate stringing together of words to convey thoughts and meaning.

“Putting words onto paper—when it is done as an honest act of search or connection, rather than as an act of manipulation, performance, self-aggrandizement or self-protection—is a holy act.” said Pat Schneider.

Writing involves deep thinking, rationalizing ideas and makes us question even our own conclusions. It comes through reflections and inspiration. Writers draw ideas from images, trees, objects and even people and events.

It is a tool for teaching, entertaining, comforting and sharing of our emotions, pains, agonies and successes.

Have you ever gone back to what you wrote and find that surprising sometimes as to how you are able to constructively put such thoughts down? Have you gone through your work to see you are taught by your own words? Sometimes, I pick up my works and begin to reflect afresh on them. They continue to teach me.

These effects happen because while writing, writers are taken over by a higher force explaining unfathomable things through them even when they think they are in charge. Everyone can write, yet it is not all who have the skill of writing.

Writing is a skill as well as a craft. It requires talent, fearlessness, bravery, experience, dedication, hard work, compassion and humility. Humility is very important not to make writers think of themselves as all knowing but to be open to criticism and accept they are only vessels that convey intrinsic knowledge. Ego is a wedge between writing and spirituality because it can cost the flavour and the substance that is in the message being shared.

Writing is emotive, fulfilling, ecstatic and torturing to static ideas, lifestyle and attitude to life and existence.

Writing is fulfilling, spiritual and enriching to me and I am joyful when it impacts someone. Do not hesitate to share your ideas and thoughts in writing; it lives after you.

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