At this time of great deal of information on the mass media, a lot of people find it hard to read through and get informed and as such rely on people to assist them. These large amounts of materials require attention which makes it difficult to follow up. They tend to filter the information they receive probably to align with their interests or rely on others to fill in the gap and to summarize for them. In this situation, they become vulnerable to manipulation of the information they receive.
They receive the information through the eyes of those they rely on instead of what they find true to have them informed. These become “new opportunities to access and share information {which} can lead to the spread of manipulative and deceptive messages,” said Panke. That is why it is advised to do your own research and find out beyond what you are told or what trends.
A lot of people get information from limited sources and trends which they consider as truth or form communities of interest, where they share opinions resulting in limited or no counter narrative that helps robust conversation which Panke warns that, “The ease to form communities of like-minded peers can result in echo chambers that lack critical discussion, divergent opinion and political discourse.”
Critical discussions are required for the growth of the society. Ethno-religious conversations aim to achieve tolerance. Socio-cultural conversations aim to achieve co-relationships and to checkmate the activities of the government as it relates to laws and policies that affect our daily lives, political and economic conversations are required.
You should have an open mind to welcome all ideas. “Our brain constructs a model of the world from interactions with our environment. If all our interactions are one-sided, then our brain’s model will be biased,” says Don Vaughn.
Biased information is akin to manipulation. Bias forms the bedrock of misinformation and selective choices of information that form
parochial opinions. “Democracy is threatened because of how easy it is for misinformation to spread and be believed,” says Kristen Allred.Manipulations in these times are real, and you should not fall in the trap and become vulnerable to these. Always seek to know with an open mind.
A lot of people feel uncomfortable to have their ideas scrutinized. One’s ideas can be utopian if not analysed, where you defend your opinion and ideas and thrash them if they are weak.
Weak opinions filled with innuendos and bias when made mainstream affect the society in such ways that hamper growth, development and peaceful coexistence.
Always think for yourself, have a mind of your own and have the ability to analyse any information from any source. Discern, welcome robust conversations and objectively form your opinion.
When you form your opinion, you will be able to contribute objectively to the conversation towards national, socio-political and socio-cultural development.
Don’t be a docile consumer of information. Be active and contribute.
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